Scott Moore, recognized performance expert and consultant at Scott Moore Consulting, interviews Akamas CTO, Stefano Doni, about the release of Akamas 3.0.

Scott and Stefano know each other from the early days of Akamas, when the Akamas platform was focused on test and pre-production environments. The release of Akamas 3.0 announced on 2022, September 13th extends the Akamas AI-powered optimization platform with the ability to optimize live applications running in production.

Based on his extensive expertise in performance tuning and hands-on knowledge of Akamas, Scott is in the best position to discuss with Stefano about the implications of leveraging AI to autonomously identify full-stack configurations that maximize performance, resilience and cost efficiency of real-world applications in a production environment under a dynamic workload.

During the interview, Stefano and Scott discuss the key requirements to effectively and safely  optimize production environments, including support for live observations, auto-discovery of workload contexts, customizable safety policies and human-approved recommendations. 

In the interview, Stefano clarifies Akamas differentiators with specific reference to how to best optimize Kubernetes applications to achieve the best cost efficiency and also avoid adversely impacting the overall resilience and end-to-end performance of the targeted applications. 

Key takeaways
  • What’s new in Akamas 3.0 
  • Akamas live optimization key features and differentiators
  • How to best optimize Kubernetes applications

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